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This is a blog recounting the statements from Tuesday's GOP debate. Please feel free to leave your comments or statements below.
This is a recap rundown of the Fox Business Network/WSJ GOP debate. Follow what the candidates said here!
This is a LIVE rundown of the GOP debate. Tweet LIVE with @wsbradio from 8-11pm. WSB's Jared Yamamoto is taking your questions and comments below.
WSB Radio was live inside the Intercontiental Hotel for the RedState Gathering. This was a breakdown of the speakers and their agendas as it happened.
If you love presidential politics then strap yourself in, we’ve got a fun weekend ahead. This is my NFL opening kickoff weekend, so I hope everyone is as excited as I am!
What a hot start to Summer 2015. Atlanta’s already recorded record breaking temperatures and technically Summer just started last weekend.
Patterns are a common tendency in American politics. A popular story breaks and several filler stories follow to feed the main breaking news story.
Women’s rights have highlighted the news cycle this week. From what I’m viewing, apparently every male corporate CEO in America is shadowing their female secretary, ready to pounce on her and the stranglehold of the sexist American patriarchy remains strong.
What an eventful week. I mysteriously threw my back out on Sunday afternoon and among my colleagues I’m officially an old man.
Here we go again. Violent protesting erupted in Baltimore, Maryland earlier this week. Do people even know what their protesting anymore?
We've witnessed our personal privacy dwindle over the past 15 years and thanks to Congress, it’s likely to continue well into the future.