Atlanta-based start-up creates a smart pill bottle

An Atlanta based startup company has created a new smart pill bottle called TAD (Take As Directed) to help combat the opioid epidemic.

TAD dispenses a set dosage of medication only at prescribed times and it takes the patients fingerprint to release the pills. TAD also streams all the data so doctors can monitor how their patients are taking the medication.

Sam Zamarripa, CEO of Intent Solutions says the idea was born after a friend's battle with addiction to prescription pain pills after hip surgery.

He says, " the medications are encased inside the device, so you cannot have access to all the medications, they are in the device itself."

TAD will only dispense the medications at the right time and only to the right person. "The way we know it's the right person is that you have to use your biometric fingerprint to access your medications,"says Zamarripa.

Georgia stands among the top 11 states in the country with the most prescription opioid overdose deaths, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health. This new device uses technology to help improve safety and ensure intended use of medications.

Zamarripa says , "we are about dispensing the right medication to the right person at the right time."