Atlanta Schools’ superintendent hears from public after board decision not to extend contract

It was Friday Dr. Lisa Herring learned that the Atlanta Public Schools board did not plan to extend her contract to continue as superintendent beyond June 2024.

On Monday during the Board’s meeting, Herring heard directly from APS parents and community leaders. Reaction was direct – for and against Herring.

In support of the school board’s decision to not extend Herring:

“You really should never have came here. I commend this board for finally getting you out of here.”

“I want no one to feel sorry for Lisa Herring. Send your prayers to the 50-thousand-plus students, staff, and teachers who have been left behind and who did not get what they deserve.”

“Thank you for meeting with us when you first arrived at APS. We left the meetings feeling like you heard us, and we were your allies. We had your back. As time progressed, we did not see progress or improvements.”

From those who spoke against the board’s decision, and in support of Herring:

“The integrity, the character, and the grace and class and the intellect with which she has taken the helm of APS since July 2020, is unprecedented.”

“She has helped turned this school system around, and I dare say she needs more time to finish the job.”

“If this contract’s not extended, it would be one of the worst mistakes that APS has made in its history.”

The board did not address its decision on Herring during Monday’s meeting.

Back on Friday, Herring had released a statement:

“In December of 2022, I received my last performance evaluation and satisfactory feedback with emphasis on the focus of additional engagement and stronger communications efforts,” the statement said. “I have worked diligently to honor the work and expectations of our board and community.”