Convicted Murderer Joanna Hayes Speaks

Joanna Hayes speaks--now that she's serving life for murder.

Hayes was convicted of dressing up like a man and shooting her daughter-in-law to death in the Snellville Target in 2009.

Now she's given a tearful prison interview to Channel 2 Action News.

"I didn't do this!  There's not a bit of evidence that points to me that say I did this!"

"I think if a person's capable of that, it would have to show in their past, maybe," she says.  Hayes says she's never harmed anybody--and "loved" daughter-in-law Heather Strube.

Prosecutors said the murder was part of a bitter family divorce child custody dispute.

As for jailhouse life, Hayes calls it "hollow, unbelievable."

But she says survives with "alot of prayer--knowing that I can lay my head down and sleep at night because I know I'm right with my God."