(ATLANTA, Ga.) — According to a press release from the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire, Friday Health Plans of Georgia, Inc will be placed into a receivership to protect Georgia policyholders.
“Friday Health Plans will be placed into receivership to protect Georgia policyholders due to reported insolvency and inability to raise additional funds,” the insurance commissioner’s office said. “Continued operation of Friday Health Plans was not possible without putting policyholders at risk, so we are acting to protect them.”
Friday Health Plans is also reported to be in the process of exiting Colorado’s healthcare market. Some 37,000 Georgians are currently enrolled in plans serviced by Friday.
To help fill the gap and give Georgians more time to find new coverage, the Commissioner’s office is partnering with the US Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight to set up a special web portal. The site will assist impacted members with the process of finding new coverage on the federally-administrated healthcare exchange.
Important dates include:
- June 1: Special Enrollment Period begins
- July 31: Last day to enroll without a gap in coverage
- August 1: All Friday Health Plans policies are terminated
- September 29: Last day of Special Enrollment Period