Fulton County finds a way to get election results much faster

Fulton County tried something new this primary election and it appears to have paid off.

Elections Director Rich Barron says getting results in the county came much faster, thanks to election night assistants.

"We just assigned them to precincts all over the county. They were to go out and accumulate the precincts on to one media card. So that rather having to upload twelve to fifteen machines, they're only uploading one," said Barron.

Barron hoped to have more than 90 percent of the ballots in by 11 o'clock Tuesday night, and that happened.

"This process is working out really well. Without this, I don't think we would've been done by midnight," said Barron.

And there were other challenges that some counties.

"This ballot is really long on each machine because the tapes you have to run. There are three different ballots: Democrat, non-partisan, and a Republican ballot on each machine. It takes longer for those to close down than a regular election," said Barron.

He said Fulton County is a long county, 74 miles from end to end and it's a dense, urban county.

"We have five check-in centers spread throughout the county and then we have to modem

the results in. We're the only county that does that," said Barron.

Barron said Tuesday served as an excellent dry run for the general election in November.

"We weren't able to get election night assistants at every precinct. So, I guess as we go forward this year and especially when we get at the governor's race in November, we want to have all of those precincts with an election night assistant," said Barron.