Georgia-based charity aims to raise $1 million by year’s end for Ukrainian refugees

Atlanta area businessman Emory Morsberger calls helping Ukrainian refugees the “cause of the century”. It started with a two-week trip Morsberger took with Rotarians to Ukraine over the Summer to deliver supplies to refugees in the war-torn country. “While I was there with the air raid sirens going off, I said I’ve got to do more,” Morsberger said. That is when Morsberger launched

The non-profit has already shipped over $500,000 worth of equipment and supplies to 14 major hospitals throughout Ukraine. “We have delivered battery-operated Stryker Surgical Drills which have allowed surgeons across Ukraine to re-attach limbs that would have otherwise been amputated, even with faltering electricity,” Morsberger said. He continued, “newborn incubators with battery-backups have given medical personnel the ability to transfer babies from maternity ward space into bomb shelters located in hospital basements each time air raid sirens sound, dramatically reducing the risk of injury or death.”

His charity now aims to raise $1 million by the end of December “in order to meet our goals of stopping the refugees from freezing to death,” he said. Morsberger said the money will go toward buying generators, blankets and medical equipment for refugees before sub-freezing temperatures set in in Ukraine.

On this Giving Tuesday, his charity received a $40,000 donation from an anonymous donor for generators to be sent to hospitals and schools in Ukraine. It started out as a $10,000 donation, but after a thank-you phone call, that donation grew by four times. Morsberger says donations of any amount are appreciated.

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