Hundreds show up to Atlanta IRS office during Saturday ‘face-to-face’ help event

A line of people wraps around Atlanta IRS building on Peachtree Street

ATLANTA — Hundreds showed up in a line that wrapped around the building at a scheduled walk-in event to help taxpayers at the Atlanta Internal Revenue Service office.

Channel 2′s Veronica Griffin went to the IRS office on W. Peachtree Street to learn more, where some in the line told her they’d received letters saying their refunds were being held until some information could be verified.

In a page on the IRS website, the federal agency said it had a series of planned once-a-month walk-in events to help taxpayers without appointments.

It’s unclear at this time if all of the people in the crowd received the letter about their refunds being held by the IRS, pending verification.

Some people in line at the IRS building said that they received letters asking them to verify their identities to get their tax refunds.

At the office, others said they were told it could take up to 180 days for the refunds to come in, once verified.

A few in the crowd also said that they had appointments scheduled, but they may not get to them until July.

The situation in Atlanta comes just days before Wednesday’s tax day deadline.