‘I’m angry’; Smyrna police chief says after two of his officers were shot

SMYRNA, Ga. — It was just before midnight.

Police say a man broke into Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. The GBI says an employee told Smyrna police officers that a man was inside the store.

They say officers tried to arrest the suspect, later identified as Emilio Aguilar, 21, after they asked him to walk outside.

The GBI says Aguilar got away from officers and began firing a rifle that was slung around his neck, hitting two Smyrna police officers in their legs.

Smyrna police say Cobb Police Department officers who were there as backup, shot and killed Aguilar.

Saturday morning, there were bullet holes in a truck parked in front of the store, but it is unclear who the truck belongs to.

Evidence markers and shattered glass at two entrances of the store were also visible.

The owner said this is the first time something like this has happened.

Allen Parham was shocked once he learned about what happened at this well-known store in his neighborhood.

“I heard the sirens go off and it made me wonder what had happened,” Parham said. “I never would have thought somebody was breaking in right here.”

As for Parham, his respect for law enforcement officers has risen as a military vet.

“Things are getting kind of bad out here, with these officers I have a lot of respect for them putting their life on the line because I am a military veteran,” Allen said.

Smyrna Police Chief Keith Zgonc said the frequency at which these situations are occurring has him angry.

“Recently it has been happening all too often, I can tell you my feeling I will just be honest I am angry. It angers me that people want to do this that want to hurt officers,” Zgonc said.

Cobb County Police Chief Stuart Van Hooser echoed Zgonc’s sentiments.

“We had two officers shot on this one, two years ago on Sept. 8 we lost two Cobb County deputies. There is going to be a lot of comrades who will come when one of their brothers in blue is hurt,” he said.