Serial rape suspect drugged his victims, posted videos of them on pornography website

CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. — Clayton County police have arrested a 27-year-old man accused of being a serial rapist. Police say his victims did not know that they were raped until videos were posted on a pornography website.

Police say his victims believed he was a friend.

Police said Edward Samuel Huffman was arrested on Sept. 13.

Clayton County police held a news conference on Thursday to detail Huffman’s arrest. An investigation found he’d drugged, sodomized and raped at least seven women over the years. He is also accused of molesting a child.

Clayton County police say there may be more victims of Huffman’s out there. Investigators can be reached at 770-477-3550.

Counselors with the Georgia Network for Sexual Assault Center can also be reached at 800-656-4673.