Skeletal remains found in Alabama in 1990 identified as missing Georgia mother

CLEBURN COUNTY, ALABAMA — A woman, whose remains were found in a wooded area of Alabama in 1990, have been identified as a missing Georgia mother.

Police said a logging crew found skeletal human remains in Heflin in Feb. 1990. Investigators believed they were of a white female, but due to the condition of the remains, it was difficult to determine any other identifying details.

Investigators determined that the cause of death was homicide.

Last year, the department opened the case up and partnered with a private DNA lab to try to find any relatives.

Investigators were able to match the DNA to the woman’s daughter.

The woman has now been identified as Clara Kopp Reynolds from Georgia, who would have been 41 or 42 when she died.

Reynolds was last seen with a male friend and thought to be traveling to Florida. Police said they do have a suspect, but they can’t release details of who that person is or the circumstances of Reynolds’ death.