DUNWOODY, Ga. — What lengths would you go to fulfil your desire for a fresh cinnamon roll?
One person was craving a fresh, sugary Cinnabon that led them to try to break into Perimeter Mall in Dunwoody.
That hungry thief went from trying to break into the mall to enjoy a snack to a first-class trip to jail.
Dunwoody police said they caught a thief attempting to break into the mall.
“We get it. Cinnabon’s can be tempting. But breaking into Perimeter Mall for a midnight snack and stealing Cinnabon’s is just not smart, not in Dunwoody,” according to a Dunwoody police social post. “Now, instead of enjoying a warm, gooey cinnamon roll, you’re facing a felony burglary charge.”
Police say county jail has food but you won’t find any Cinnabon’s in there.