Town Center Mall shuts down due to unpaid power bills

Town Center Mall has posted a sign saying that the mall is shut down “due to unforeseen circumstances.”

A statement from Georgia Power confirmed that the power was shut off due to non-payment.

The power company said they attempted to work with Town Center Mall for many months to come up with a solution to avoid disconnection, but they are no longer able to extend a grace period for the mall.

Georgia Power delivered letters in person to mall management and tenants to give notice of the disconnection.

Ross Cavitt with Cobb County said they are aware that the power has been shut off at the mall.

“Our police department and public safety organizations are takin the necessary steps to make sure that the mall and the mall area remain secure as long as the situation lasts,” he said.

Macy’s, Belk, and JC Penny’s remain open, but the rest of the mall is closed with no word on when it will reopen.