Police warn of phony IRS calls from scammers: The IRS will never call you

BRAINTREE, Mass. — Authorities in Braintree, Massachusetts, are warning residents about an influx of phone calls from scammers.

Police posted Monday on social media that they are getting slammed with phony calls about the Internal Revenue Service.

"You know it's bad when our office lines are getting them threatening the Braintree Popo is going to come after the Braintree Popo," department officials said in a Facebook post.

Police want to remind residents:

  1. The real IRS does not call people.
  2. The IRS does not accept payment via Walmart or Rite Aid.
  3. The IRS does not call police departments directly and say go arrest *your name here*

If you get a call like this, don't give out any personal  information, hang up and call police.