5 Things that my readers swear work…

5 Things, the Readers Write Part IV:

5 more home remedies sent in by you…

- For splinter removal, pour a drop of Elmer’s Glue-All over the splinter and let dry. When you peel the dried glue off your skin the splinter will stick to the glue.

- A spray of Formula 401 will drop any bee, wasp, hornet or yellow jacket that gets into your house.

- To cure a skin blemish cover it with honey and a band-air and let sit overnight. The honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile and speeds healing. If you attract ants, spray them with Formula 401.

- Colgate toothpaste makes a great salve for burns. Not sure how that got discovered, but it works great on your teeth as well.

- Next time your dog comes into the house wet, rub it down with any dryer sheet, like Bounce. It will instantly make your dog smell spring time fresh. It will also get him beat up by all the other neighborhood dogs.

Keep those e-mails coming!