A: The photo here was submitted by the person asking this question, and I love sharing good news! First of all, Ferry~Morse sells good seeds with clear planting instructions on each seed packet. Sometimes the packet even provides additional information like approximate days to bloom, or whether or not the plant is good for attracting pollinators.
When planting a new seed, or starting seed in a new place, I’d always reference publications by the cooperative extension in that state. Prioritize results that come from a search engine by seeing that the link provided ends in ‘.edu’.
That being said, I often reference these two publications from University of Georgia Extension. They are extremely helpful in keeping a gardener on task.
1. Vegetable Garden Calendar - This calendar can be referenced as a reminder and guide for planning garden work.
2. Home Garden Planting Chart - Some vegetables are planted far ahead of the last frost-free date while others are planted after all danger of frost has passed. This chart (pictured below) helps gage timing.