It’s been cold, but how does January 2025 compare to previous years?

A Facebook Follower asked me the following question:

I don’t remember it being this cold for this long since I moved here in 2000. I remember the “Atlanta Facts” that were sent to me by a local bank at the time, trying to earn my business, said that Atlanta has an average of 33 days per year, below freezing. I wonder if that is still true? Seems we’ve had a run of close to that already, and winter is only 1/3 over.

And I agree, it certainly has been cold! In fact, Metro Atlanta just climbed out of the deep freeze Wednesday afternoon after spending 66 hours at or below 32 degrees!

When comparing different months to determine which one was colder than the other, meteorologists add up the average daily highs and daily lows to gain an average temperature that represents the whole month.

In the case of January, the average monthly temperature is 44.8 degrees.

January 2025 is nearly tied with January 2010 at 23rd coldest Januarys on record... 2010 was 38.5 degrees, and 2025 so far is 38.6 degrees.

In recent memory, 2014 is the 12th coldest January on record with 37 degrees. In January 2014, Atlanta spent 10 days with temperatures at or below 32 degrees.

Taking a look at the Top 3 Coldest Januarys on Record, here are the number of days in which Metro Atlanta experienced temperatures at or below average:

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